Category Archives: Uncategorized

Musical Memory Game

As you can see there have been some big changes around here. First of all the AMAZING new banner was made by Joel Arnone and I think he did a fantastic job. Also, above the banner you’ll see a link that says Les Miserables Videos. If you click it, you should be taken to a little movie viewer with all of our rehearsal videos at your fingertips. I’ll update that page as things develop.

EduBlogs also just enabled a new flash embedding feature, which basically means I’m going to post a game to test out this new ability:

I played this twice and my best score was 22 clicks. See if you can beat me 🙂

Proof of 22

First Post

Welcome to the first of (hopefully) many posts on my EduBlog. With callbacks after school we’re in the final stage of musical tryouts. Throughout the course of the show I’ll be posting links, movies, audio, and pictures of the rehearsal process so we can chart our progress over the next 4 months. To start, here’s a link to the MTI website with detailed character information for all the named parts in the show. The first bell is going to ring shortly so I’ve got things to get done. I’d like to see how the comment system works, so feel free to leave a ‘hello’! More to come soon…