Schedule 3/9-3/13

First, please notice the full cast call Friday 3/13. If we’re able to make a lot of progress this week, we could potentially reduce the time or size of that call.

Please let us know your conflicts ASAP.

On your audition form you indicated if you planned to play a spring sport. Please e-mail us and tell us for sure if you’re playing a sport.

Still need a bio from a few of you, and this is the final week to distribute ad forms.

Schedule 3/2-3/6

Crazy week coming up – complete with our first Friday call.
Please be mindful of your conflicts, especially those in smaller calls. Let us know ASAP when you cannot attend.
Girls, bring your show shoes on Monday. You will wear your costumes. Bring everything you need to be appropriately dressed.
Turn in your bios ASAP – we’re unable to finish our work on the show program because so many of you haven’t done this.


Looking forward to seeing you all this week! Only 5 weeks left…